Stripped search and harassment in Prison 2023-05-19 15:31:18   İZMİR - It was stated that the relatives of the prisoners who went to visit Kırıklar Prison were harassed by being subjected to strip search.   It was stated that the relatives of the prisoners, who went to the open meeting on May 5, 2023, in İzmir Kırıklar No. 1 Type F Closed Prison, were subjected to stripped search and harassed. Detained İshak Deman, Salih Gölyar, Savaş Altun, Sami Öztürk, Velat Taş drew attention to what their families got through in a letter he sent to the Human Rights Association (İHD) İzmir Branch.   WOMEN HAS BEEN HARASSED   In the letter, in which the public was informed about what happened to their relatives, the letter said: “A stripped search was applied to our families who came to our open visit on May 5, in the prison where we were held. Female members of our families have been harassed by being stripped down to their underwear. Developing this application is İbrahim Yücesoy, the 1st Director of the Prison. It is desired to turn the prison into a concentration camp by applying all kinds of practices to constantly harass our families with this humiliating attack because the same treatment was given to our different families who had come to see us before. It has become a systematic attack style. Our families who objected were threatened with a visitation ban. Disciplinary investigations are launched against us, the prisoners, who condemned this accursed understanding, attack and practice, and we are targeted by trying to intimidate them with disciplinary punishments.”   The prisoners demanded that everyone raise their voice against the stripped search torture.