Police violence in Bismil on footage: Investigation started 2023-05-18 15:28:30   DİYARBAKIR- While an investigation has been launched regarding the beating of Şeyhmus Eşen by the police in Bismil district, the MOBESE image also confirms the violence.   On May 11, in the Bismil district of Amed, Şeyhmus Eşen was subjected to violence after he was stopped by the police while driving with his child. We have accessed the MOBESE (Mobile Electronic System Integration) footage of the moment Eşen was battered. In the footage, it is seen that Eşen was stopped by the police, after they talked for a while, the police punched Eşen.   In the attack that took place on 11 May, Eşen was stopped by the police and beaten while he was driving in the center of the bazaar. His 2-year-old child, who was in the vehicle during the incident, was also injured. Eşen went to Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital and received a report of assault. After receiving a report of assault, Eşen filed a complaint with the Bismil Chief Public Prosecutor's Office about the aggressor police.   INVESTIGATION STARTED   Amed Bar Association was also involved in the incident and filed a criminal complaint against the police. After the criminal complaint, the Bismil Chief Public Prosecutor's Office applied to the statement of the police officer. While the investigation was started about the incident, it was stated that the police, who caused the injury of the father and his child, are still on duty.