International Imrali Peace Delegation in Istanbul 2023-05-11 14:15:41   ISTANBUL - The International Imrali Peace Delegation, which came to Istanbul, will visit many institutions on the isolation and developments in the country on May 11-12.   PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who was brought to Turkey with an international conspiracy on February 15, 1999 and put in the İmralı Type F High Security Prison, has been held in severe isolation conditions for 24 years. The isolation system in Imrali, which was aggravated after 2015, has been transformed into a state of not hearing.   National and international initiatives against absolute isolation continue despite the indifference of the state and government.   INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES AGAINST INSULATION   The International Delegation Against Isolation, consisting of 36 people from 7 countries, including politicians, intellectuals, writers, lawyers and journalists, met with political parties, bar associations and non-governmental organizations in Istanbul, Ankara and Amed on January24-29. The delegation released a report on the isolation of Imrali after their meetings.   INTERNATIONAL IMRALI PEACE DELEGATION   The International Imrali Peace Delegation to Turkey will visit Istanbul. The delegation, which will be in the city on May 11-12, will visit many institutions and hold meetings on the Imrali isolation and developments in the country.