Police violence after women's rally: 4 detentions 2023-05-07 17:09:28   ISTANBUL - While the rally in Yoghurtçu Park in Kadıköy ended with enthusiasm using the yellow, red and green colors worn by women as an excuse, the police battered 4 women and detained them.   The women's rally held by the Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) in Yoğurtçu Park in the Kadıköy district of Istanbul with the slogan "We are here, we will change with the women" ended with enthusiasm; however, the police attacked the women, using the green, yellow, and red colors that women wore and embroidered on their veils while they were dispersing, accompanied by the slogan "Jin, jiyan, azadi".   The police battered the woman and took her into custody. After other women condemned the detention, there was a quarrel for a while. 4 women, who were battered and detained, were taken to the Rıhtım Police Station.   Other women in the area protested the police violence and detentions by shouting "Jin, jiyan, azadi".