Another youth detained in Diyarbakır 2023-04-28 08:23:34   DİYARBAKIR - It has been learned that a young man named Halim Aslan was detained within the scope of the investigation carried out in Diyarbakır 3 days ago.   At least 128 people, including many journalists, politicians, lawyers, union leaders and artists, were detained in house raids in 20 provinces three days ago within the scope of the Diyarbakır-based investigation. It was learned that a young man named Halim Aslan was taken into custody in the Diclekent district of Diyarbakır within the scope of the same file.   It was not known where Aslan, who was detained, was taken to. The prisoners are accused of "being a member of a terrorist organization". It is stated that there are still arrest warrants for many people within the scope of the investigation.   NUMBER OF ARRESTED PEOPLE HAS BEEN 12   On the other hand, journalists Mehmetşah Oruç, Beritan Canözer, Abdurrahman Gök, Remzi Akkaya, Devrim Roni Atik, Kadir Şenci, Berfin Can, Muhsin Acar, Osman were referred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace today in the operation launched in line with the statements of open witness Ümit Akbıyık. Demir, Rumet Çetin, Mehdi Kaya, Cotkar Amara Yürek were arrested on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization".   Gurbet Özbey Öner and Jiyan Sametoğlu, for whom the Criminal Judgeship of Peace decided to release them with a judicial control measure, were released in the morning.   2 THEATER ARTISTS WERE ALSO RELEASED   Theater artists Elvan Koçer and Şahperi Alphan Bayhan were also released by the Criminal Judgeship of Peace with a judicial control measure.