Raid on cultural associations: Artists detained 2023-04-25 12:43:43 NEWS CENTER – As part of the Amed-based investigation, Amed City Theater, Dicle Culture and Art Association, Mesopotamia Culture and Art Association and BKM were raided, many artists were detained.   At least 110 people were detained in house raids in 21 districts based in Amed(Diyarbakır). Amed City Theater and Dicle Culture and Art Association in Amed, Mesopotamia Culture and Art Association in Mardin and Bahar Culture Center in Batman are among the raided places. While the doors of the associations were smashed, many association employees and artists were detained.   Some names taken into custody are as follows: Devrim Demir, Yavuz Akkuzu, Elvan Köçer Yıldırım, Özcan Ateş, Sena Özbey, Şahperi Alphan Bayhan, Sadettin İnal, Kibar Suvari, Velat Ersin and Kevve Çelik and Mesut Baskın.