Yeşil Sol Party continue to meet with people 2023-04-21 16:39:20   NEWS CENTER - The Green Left Party continued its election work with the Ramadan Feast visits and public meetings.   The Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) continue their election work. Bursa parliamentary candidates of the party made visits to tradespersons and homes in Gürsu district. A selection stand was opened in the Gemlik market. Ceylan Erol Erdoğan, one of the MP candidates participating in the stand opening, distributed election leaflets with the party members.   Green Left Party Provincial administrators and MPs candidates visited Muş Kızılağaç Town and Villages Aid and Solidarity Association (MUŞKIDER) on the occasion of Ramadan Feast. The party members were welcomed by the managers of the association and then exchanged opinions with the managers about the election.   The Green Left Party visited Batman and Tekirdağ and met with people and stated that people will give the answer to the government on May 14 and it will be the best.