Call to voters abroad: One vote overthrows the dictator 2023-04-21 12:59:28   ISTANBUL - Green Left Party Foreign Election Coordination member Nursel Aydoğan called on the voters in Europe to vote with the idea that "one vote will overthrow the dictator" and stated that they aim to increase the rate of those who go to the polls to 65 percent in these elections.   The Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) continues to work in many European countries as well as Turkey for the 14 May elections. In Europe, where there are 3 million 286 thousand 258 voters and 4 thousand 969 ballot boxes will be set up, the voting process will start on April 27 and end on May 9. Voters abroad will be able to vote at representative offices, consulates general and customs gates.   Kurdish politician Nursel Aydoğan, who is in the Foreign Election Coordination of the Green Left Party, evaluated the election atmosphere in Europe and called on the voters to go to the polls with the idea that "One vote overthrows the dictator".   THE GOAL OF THE GREEN LEFT PARTY   Stating that they have started work in Europe for the elections to be held on  May 14 in Kurdistan and Turkey as of January, Aydoğan said: "We have established election coordination with left, socialist, revolutionary forces, non-governmental organizations and democratic mass organizations in this context. We have been working feverishly for about 4 months. We are working with about a thousand people who are involved in coordinations established in dozens of countries such as Poland, Hungary, France, England and Germany. More than half of the more than 3 million voters in Europe are in Germany. Primary goal in these elections, as coordination, is to increase the 49.9 percent who went to the polls to 65 percent in these elections."   THE APPROACH OF THE VOTER IN EUROPE   Referring to the approach of the voters in Europe to the elections in Turkey and Kurdistan and the election atmosphere, Aydoğan said: “Europe voters have been the biggest victims of AKP-MHP fascism for the last 7 years. In particular, they are no longer able to return to their countries because of their posts on social media platforms, those who oppose the AKP, participate in political activities because when they return to the country, they are either detained or arrested. In general, voters who are in opposition in Europe see the May 14 elections as a critical process, a choice of destiny for the future of the peoples of Turkey. The general consensus on this issue is as follows: “The country can no longer be governed by the AKP-MHP government, Erdogan has become a dictator.” I can say that the turnout for this election will be even higher than in other elections.”   CALL TO VOTER   Underlining that the May 14 elections will be one of the most critical elections in history, Aydoğan continued: “The voters in Europe will vote on Turkey's future. Everyone who votes must go to the polls with the awareness that 'One vote is one vote, one vote overthrows the dictator'. One of our main goals in the elections here is to double our vote rate compared to the previous elections. Finally, I say the only way is the Green Left Party.”   MA / Ergin Çağlar