Call to attorneys: We should prevent unlawfulness in the election 2023-04-18 12:47:45   ANKARA - Pointing out that there are concerns about ballot box security in the election, attorney İlke Işık from Lawyers for Democracy called on lawyers and said, "We should get organized and prevent every unlawfulness together."   Election security started to come to the fore more with the election date approaching. According to the data of the Supreme Election Board (YSK), 60 million 904 thousand 499 people will be able to vote in the May 14 elections. In the ballot boxes to be established abroad, 3 million 286 thousand 786 voters are registered. Chief among the concerns regarding election security is the lack of election experience of 11 members, especially YSK Chairperson Ahmet Yener and Deputy Chairperson Ekrem Özübek. Attorneys in Ankara started to work to ensure election and ballot box security. Attorneys started their work with the slogan of "One lawyer for each ballot box" in order to prevent irregularities that may occur in the ballot boxes.   İlke Işık, a lawyer from Lawyers for Democracy, made evaluations about the responsibilities and concerns of lawyers in election security and what needs to be done against it.   'PEOPLE HAVE CONCERNS'   Stating that the issue of election security comes to the fore in every election period is due to the country's administration style, Işık said: "When we look at the last periods of 22 years of the government, we see that democracy does not have human rights, but a serious repression regime and one-man rule. They go to the elections the way they run the country. People have concerns such as 'Will the election be safe, will they steal votes, how will it be secured and will every vote we cast reach its place?'"   CALL TO ATTORNEYS: AN ATTORNEY FOR EACH BALLOT BOX   Pointing out that the efforts to follow the votes, protect the election security and create public opinion regarding these questions continue due to these questions, Işık said: "Lawyers, legal organizations and bar associations have important duties. The Ankara Bar Association and the legal organizations in the city came together and made plans. May 14 is a very important day for the future of the country and we have to ensure that everything happens normally on that day. Each of us has to put our hands on the stone. There is a lawyer in every school and in every ballot box, if we can give everyone's trust, we will get the real result of the election. We came together to come to the point where we will give our vote with confidence on May 14 and wait for the result. We will take the process together with the Ankara Bar Association, all lawyers and civil initiatives. Our call to the lawyers in Ankara: We should organize together, we should assign an attorney to each ballot box, in each school, in each census district, in each assembly center, and follow the process. We should prevent every possible unlawfulness together."   MA/ YÜSRA BATIHAN