Women: We will change this century 2023-04-17 10:02:36   ISTANBUL - Stating that women are given the most place in the election lists in the Green Left Party,  HDP PM member Aylin Hacaloğlu said: “Women will change this century. We will build an honorable peace, the democratic, equal and libertarian perspective we call the 'third way' together with women.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Labor Party (EMEP), Laborers' Movement Party (EHP), Socialist Assemblies Federation (SMF) and Social Freedom Party (TOP), which are members of the Labor and Freedom Alliance, won the May 14 elections for the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) joins the lists. The Green Left Party, which announced the Women's Election Declaration to the public on April 2 with the slogan "We are here, we will replace it with women", was the party that showed the most women candidates among the parties. 264 of the 600 candidates of the Green Left Party are women.   We talked to the HDP Party Council (PM) member Aylin Hacaloğlu about the election manifesto that promises to fight together against gender inequality, violence and male-dominated policies, which are the creation of the male-state mind.   Aylin Hacaloğlu   EQUAL REPRESENTATION IN PARLIAMENT   Stating that 264 of the 600 candidates of the Green Left Party were women, Hacaloğlu said: "Women were placed in the top ranks of 30 cities, including Istanbul, Ankara and Amed. We will leave our mark on the parliament with equal representation. While the new Constitution is being drafted in this process, it is important that we are in the parliament for the decisions to be taken in order to initiate a democratic, equal and free process. We need to be in the parliament to implement issues such as the protection of Law No. 6284, which affects the lives of all women, and the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, from a woman's perspective in the parliament."   OUR GOAL IS 40 PERCENT   Noting that their goal is to send 40 percent of the female candidates to the Parliament, Hacaloğlu said: “We will send the highest female candidate to the Parliament. We think so, both in terms of order and number. When we look at the People's Alliance, the Nation's Alliance and other parties, 100 of the 600 MPs are women and most of them are from positions that cannot be elected. We are a party that believes in equal representation. We take the co-chairmanship system as the 'purple line', and we do not make any concessions on this issue."   A NEW LINE OF FIGHT   Drawing attention to the need to build a new line of struggle against violence against women, Hacaloğlu said: “We think that a strong democracy, egalitarian and libertarian process is important in the Parliament. In this sense, the organized struggle of women is very important. Women will change this century. There is an uprising in Iran and Afghanistan, in many parts of the world, against the male-dominated system. It means women do not obey. That's why, on the other hand, we will develop the process of acting in harmony with women in our foreign policy.”   WHY WOMEN MINISTRY?   Stating that women are exposed to violence, discrimination and exploitation in the world and in Turkey, Hacaloğlu continued: “We say that men and women are equal, women should be free in all areas of life. But in practice, we see that it does not affect our lives. There are serious problems with this. A Ministry of Women should be established urgently to solve these problems. The issue of women is not an issue that can be resolved by leaving it to men. In order to solve this problem, women should be able to take the initiative and produce a solution. We have a colorful profile of candidates. Alevis, Sunni, religious scholars, peace scholars and feminists are on the list. We are very colorful and cheerful together. We will form a council in local administrations with an ecological and women's perspective together with women. We will build an honorable peace, the democratic, equal and libertarian perspective we call the 'third way'.   MA / Esra Solin Dal