Preparations for a 'witness' at every ballot box in the Green Left Party 2023-04-12 12:41:31   İSTANBUL - Drawing attention to the importance of ballot box security, Kocaeli second rank candidate from the Green Left Party, lawyer Arzu Eylem Kayaoğlu said: "We continue to work to have at least one lawyer in every school and an observer in every ballot box across Turkey and Kurdistan.   As the countdown begins after the candidate lists submitted by 26 political parties to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) for the Presidential and MPs elections on May 14, the political parties have already rolled up their sleeves for work on election security. The Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) on election security, which is one of the most discussed issues, also accelerated their work on this issue.   Lawyer Arzu Eylem Kayaoğlu, the second candidate from Kocaeli from the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), emphasized the importance of election security.   AT LEAST ONE LAWYER IN EVERY SCHOOL   Stating that the political parties should do their best in terms of election security, Kayaoğlu said: " This is a necessity. As HDP Law Commission, we are trying to take an active role in these elections and that we will intervene in possible problems. The HDP/Green Left Party and ÖHD will work together in the election. We have created an election security study in all branches and representations of ÖHD. As we have done so far, almost all schools have a task of appointing one or more lawyers. We have completed a large part of this work in big cities, especially in Istanbul. For example, we need around 3,000 lawyers for Istanbul. New lawyers are joining every day. Our work continues in the same dimensions in the provinces of Kurdistan.”   BALLOT BOX IS COMMENDED TO THE WITNESSES   Warning that there are no ballot box committee members since the Green Left Party entered the elections for the first time, Kayaoğlu said: "For this reason, the need for lawyers and observers has become even more essential. There are 1917 schools in Istanbul. There will be around 40 thousand ballot boxes in these schools. We plan to appoint at least one observer at each ballot box. The real people who will do the election security are the witnesses who will be in charge of those schools and ballot boxes because the observers will be at the ballot box all day long to protect the ballot boxes. In addition, I would like to share it when the place is developed: as lawyers, we will also provide training to the witnesses on election, election security and the duties of the witnesses.”   A BOOKLET WILL BE PREPARED FOR VOTERS   Expressing that they need 40 thousand observers only in Istanbul, Kayaoğlu said: “Our training on both election security and election laws, regulations and circulars will begin in the coming days. What is a witness? What duties do they have? What can they object to? What rights and responsibilities do they have? What are their duties and rights after voting ends? We will answer these and many more questions in these training sessions. We will also prepare a booklet in this context for the observers. It will contain all the information. Whatever they need in the election, they will find it all. The answer to every question will be there.”   Pointing out that the voting process takes one day, Kayaoğlu called for a day to protect the ballot boxes.