Tourist attraction returns to the city of prisons 2023-04-07 12:45:47   ANKARA - HDP Antalya MP Kemal Bülbül defined the tourism city of Antalya as a "city of prisons" and said: "The spirit of Esat Oktay Yıldıran wanders in prisons."   Serious human rights violations in prisons are increasing day by day. AKP, which has made the rights violations and bad practices suffered by the prisoners a form of administration in prisons, continues to build prisons. There are 11 prisons in total, 4 of which are in the city center, in Antalya, which is known as the "tourist attraction of Turkey" as in every city. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) MP of the city Kemal Bülbül talked about what happened in the prisons in Antalya and what he witnessed during his visit to the prisons.   'PRISONS ARE LIKE SLAVE LABOR CAMP   Pointing out that Antalya is a tourist attraction of Turkey as a city of economy, natural beauty and tourism, but an unknown feature of Antalya is that it is a city of prisons, Bülbül said: “S, L, Y and High Security Prisons within the borders of Antalya central Döşemealtı district. There are 4 prisons. These are not enough, there is a prison in Manavgat; this is not enough, there is a prison in Alanya. The campuses of these prisons are almost the size of a small town, and there are thousands of officials, administrative chiefs, military officials. It's totally like a prison camp when you go. Entry and exit are of course quite difficult. Prisoners and convicts in prisons are treated like hostages. In their own wards, their natural rights to take air, social work rights, and cultural rights are violated. Their sleep is interrupted at night, doors are slammed. The double clamp and the stripped search are imposed on prisoners. The prisoner women are harrassed by cameras. The prisons are like slave labor camps."   'THE SPIRIT OF ESAT OKTAY IS WALKING IN PRISONS'   Emphasizing that the violations of rights are not limited to Antalya, they are practiced in all prisons, Bülbül said: “The spirit of Esat Oktay Yıldıran, who is torturer guardian in Diyarbakır prison on September 12, is walking in prisons. The AKP  and Süleyman Soylu are an Esat Oktay Yıldıran, and we will hold them accountable before law, justice and truth.”   MA / Enes Beyaz