25-year-old prisoner has not seen the sun for 3 months! 2023-04-05 13:06:53   NEWS CENTER - Vahyettin Sarı, who has been imprisoned for 25 years, is held in a blind cell alone for 23 hours a day. Sarı, whom the doctor said should be exposed to the sun with the suspicion of osteoporosis, and that he should be referred to the hospital, has not been referred for 3 months and is also deprived of seeing the sun.   Vahyettin Sarı, a 25-year prisoner who was arrested in Van in 1997 and sentenced to life imprisonment, has spent 23 hours a day in a solitary blind cell, without sunlight, since December 31, 2022, when he was transferred from Patnos Type L Prison to Sincan No. 1 High Security Prison. Sarı, who was able to meet with his family in Van almost every week while he was in Patnos Prison, was also restricted from meeting his family after he was transferred to Ankara, 1200 kilometers away.   Ahmet Sarı, who had the opportunity to see his brother for the first time after 3 months, stated that his brother Vahyettin Sarı faced many problems that he did not reflect on during these three months. His brother was held in a single-person cell no. 14 in Block A2 of Sincan High Security Prison and he was deprived of even seeing the sun despite the intervening 3 months, Ahmet Sarı said: "My brother was exiled unlawfully without even informing us. When he was exiled, we were able to find out when Vahyettin called us 5 days later. In this three-month period, my sister went to see us twice, and I only had the opportunity to meet for the first time on April 3. Of course, in both meetings with my sister and in the phone calls, we were told that He didn't tell what he gets through. But when I spoke to him, when I asked him questions about his situation, he had to tell me. My brother is still held in a solitary cell. He said that he was deprived of his basic rights. He spends 23 hours a day in that solitary cell. He is being taken out to the air with just one or two other people."   'THE PRISONER CAN NOT GET THE SUN...'   Explaining that his brother was examined by a doctor after he was transferred to Sincan and he requested a referral on suspicion of osteoporosis, the older brother Sarı said: "The doctor told my brother that he had to stay in a ventilator that can see the sun due to osteoporosis and go to the hospital; however, he has not been transferred for three months and is held in a room called a 'blind cell', which does still not catch  the sun. "   Emphasizing that his brother Vahyettin Sarı has been in prison for more than 25 years and despite being sentenced to life imprisonment, he was held under the harsh conditions applied to those who were sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment, Ahmet Sarı demanded that this unlawfulness be eliminated as soon as possible.