Women Declaration of Green Left Party 2023-04-02 15:10:45     ANKARA - In the Election Declaration of the Green Left Party Women's Council, it was emphasized that women were not without options against oppression, and the message was given as follows: "From resistance to rebellion, from rebellion to rebuild; We are coming to change with the solidarity of women's solidarity”.   The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Women's Council announced the Declaration of Women regarding the elections to be held on March 14 with a colorful event held in a hotel in Ankara. The women of the Green Left Party, who started the election campaign with the slogan "Dîsa jin, dîsa jiyan(Again Women, Again Life)" in Kurdish and "We are here, we will replace it with women" in Turkish, prepared the Election Declaration in Kurdish and Turkish.   The Election Declaration of women was published bilingual as a purple-cover booklet. In its preface, it was said: “We are uniting and increasing our solidarity, and we are sending the one-man regime's catastrophic power on May 14. We come to hold accountable our anger, to establish a new life, to change it with women. We will replace the second century of the Republic with women!” In the declaration, which included statements, it was emphasized that the crisis of democracy and freedoms has not ended since the establishment of the Republic, and that it deepened under the AKP rule, and it was emphasized that women came to democratize the Republic.   'WE ARE COMING TO BUILD THE NEW LIFE'   In the declaration, which stated that women will build the new life against the alliance of men: “We insist on equality and freedom against all kinds of oppression and exploitation, and we are determined to change it together with women. Because we know that we can change this male-dominated order, which promises us only death and cruelty, only together with women.”   'WOMEN ARE NOT WITHOUT OPTIONS'   Underlining that women are not without options, the declaration states: “We are not without options; Together, on the Third Way, to the Democratic Republic! As women, we are not obliged to the People's Alliance, which abolished democracy. The great option is in front of us; The Third Way of our party is the way of the women's march for freedom. We are ready for a libertarian and democratic republic through life!”    THE TIME OF WOMEN IN THE PARLIAMENT   Emphasizing that it is women's time for democratic politics, not men's politics in the parliament, the declaration stated: "The crises created by the men-state-capital cannot be resolved without women, who are the founding subjects of politics. We are waging a libertarian struggle for the socialization of politics. We will ensure that there are more women in politics and in all decision-making mechanisms. We will change both the Parliament and the politics so that democratic politics against the politics of plunder and corruption can come to life in every field. We are coming to establish the Ministry of Women, where women and women's organizations directly develop solutions to all women's problems!”   NO TO A CONSTITUTION WITHOUT WOMEN!   Saying "no" to the Constitution, in which women do not have their rights, the decleration said: "We will work together for a democratic constitution in which all identities, languages and beliefs are recognized and secured. We are coming to prepare a democratic constitution together with women, with the lives, demands and dreams of women, in order to live freely on the basis of equal citizenship! It should be 'not male justice, but real justice!' The Court rooms have become places where women are exposed to violence again, not places where perpetrators of violence and murderous men are tried. Men who murder women are given provocation and good behavior discounts. While murderers of women roam the streets waving their arms, women fighting for women's freedom are imprisoned. We will take all necessary steps for a new understanding of justice based on women's needs and truths. By making the necessary arrangements, we will ensure the reinstatement of laborers and Peace Academics, the release of politically imprisoned women, and the return of those forced to live abroad by politicized judicial violence. We come for an impartial and independent judiciary and real justice for the protection of the rights of women and the whole society.”   NOW IS THE TIME OF 'JIN JIYAN AZADI'   We are here to build a free world against war, violence, femicide and ecological disasters with our voices, colors, plurality and differences. We embrace the women's struggle and our achievements in the geography we live in and all over the world, and share our experiences. We will put an end to male-dominated and authoritarian regimes with our struggle for freedom, which strengthens in the streets, squares, workplaces, at home, in all living spaces where we work! We are crossing borders and we are coming with more women, by building international women's solidarity networks! Now, don't escalate the women's struggle; It's time to defend freedom, equality and a new life where we decide our own destiny! Now is the time for solidarity! Now is the time to liberate life together! Now is the time of jin jiyan azadi! We are here! We are marching to the Democratic Republic together with women in the spring of 2023! we are coming to change together with our words, our hopes and our smiles,  We're here to replace it with women."   MA / Özgür Paksoy