Peace Mothers: We should march for freedom 2023-04-02 10:56:13   VAN - Van Mothers of Peace Council members called for the march to be held on April 4, on the occasion of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's birthday, "We should march for freedom".   Celebration events will be held in all cities where Kurds live on the occasion of the 74th birthday of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Prison for more than 24 years. As part of the actions and activities to be held between April 1 and 10, a march will be held in the Amara village of Xalfeti (Halfeti) district of Riha, where Abdullah Öcalan was born, on April 4 as a final.   Members of the Van Peace Mothers Council, drawing attention to the importance of April 4 for the Kurdish people, called for participation in the march to be held in Amara.   INVITATION TO AMARA   Celebrating Abdullah Öcalan's 74th birthday, Rabia Algör said: We go to Amara every year with great enthusiasm and a spirit of resurrection because this is a holiday for the Kurds. Every year we go to Amara where is important for us. We encounter obstacles, but we go anyway. We will go this year too. All the world and his wife should participate in these marches again. We should celebrate the age of leadership with great enthusiasm.”   'BIRTH OF THE KURDISH PEOPLE'   Adding that the march is important for peace and brotherhood, Algör said: “I call out to those who keep themselves away from this movement and say that nothing will happen to them; they should not forget if there is injustice, it will affect everyone. What was done to the Kurdish people should not be forgotten, Kurds were attacked even in football. With these in mind, everyone should walk to Amara. I congratulate the new age of the Leader. Today, it is not only the birth of the leadership, but the birth of the entire Kurdish people."   Drawing attention to the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and spreading to all prisons, Zekiye Kaya said: "Despite being detained, he still represents peace and freedom."   Noting that Abdullah Öcalan worked for the liberation of women and achieved success, Kaya said: "We will continue to walk on the path of struggle he started. As a Peace Mother, I call out to everyone; Society will not be free unless the leadership is free. We will demand Abdullah Öcalan's freedom again and again. Let's be in Amara on April 4, especially women, youth and all peoples. Unless he is free, there will be no solution. We will go to Amara for freedom and peace."   Peace Mother Perişan Aslan said: “Congratulations to all honorable Kurds of Abdullah Öcalan's new age. Everyone should participate in the great march to the Leader's village on April 4th. Let's go there with millions this year, just as millions went in the past."