Erdoğan signed election decision 2023-03-10 15:57:35   NEWS CENTER – President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan signed the decision to renew the elections on May 14.   President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan signed the decision to renew the elections. According to the decision, elections will be held on May 14. Making a statement in Beştepe after the signing, Erdoğan said: "The date of June 18 coincided with the university exams. This date was also coming during the period of pilgrimage. Our citizens were going to set out because the primary and secondary schools were on vacation just before the election. For these reasons, we have determined that June 18 is not a healthy date.”   THE CANDIDACY OF ERDOĞAN   Pointing to Article 116 of the Constitution regarding the decision, Erdoğan's candidacy for the third time is interpreted by lawyers as unconstitutional.   Referring to the earthquakes that took place on February 6 in his speech, Erdoğan put forward the reasons for the lack of adequate work, "heavy winter conditions, damaged infrastructure and the size of the 500-kilometer demolition area".   Emphasizing that the foundations have been laid despite the warnings of earth scientists and civil engineers that "house construction should not start immediately", Erdoğan said: "Our aim is to complete 319 thousand houses in the first place and hand them over to the rightful owners immediately. Our main goal is to build our cities, which were damaged in the earthquake, from scratch by removing 270 thousand ruined buildings, which contain more than 800,000 residences in total."   AFTER THE ELECTION, THE NEEDS OF EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS WILL BE MET   Pointing to the post-election work on the needs of earthquake victims, the words of Erdoğan drew attention that "It is imperative that our country leave the election agenda behind in order to erase all traces of the disaster and increase production and employment."   After the statements of Erdoğan, the decision was published in the repeated issue of the Official Gazette.