Warning for Bingol and Palu after Hatay 2023-02-20 23:34:13   NEWS CENTER - After two earthquakes in Hatay, one after the other. Earth Scientist Prof. Dr. Övgün Ahmet Ercan, who made statements, warned for Palu and Bingöl. Earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.4 and 5.8 occurred in the Samandağ and Defne districts of Hatay, the epicenter of which was successive. After the earthquakes, Earth scientists also warned. Prof. Dr. Övgün Ahmet Ercan shared the following message on his Twitter account: "Samandağı became M6.4 at a depth of 7 km. It also destroyed structures that were not destroyed. Aftershocks of this size will last for at least 4 months. Do not enter the injured houses. *The duration of the Samandag M6.4 earthquake is 16 seconds. The tension (energy) it produces is one in 176 of the M7.9 earthquake. It has the power of roughly 7 tons of TNT bombs. The length of the fracture is 30-40 km. Fracture extended from Hatay to Syria. Total fracture length reached 440 km. * In the M6.4 earthquake, those with heavy damage collapsed, those with moderate damage turned into heavily damaged, lightly damaged ones turned into medium damaged, undamaged ones turned into little or moderately damaged. All structures, including those with minor damage, should be demolished for safety. Otherwise there will be slaughter. *Earthquakes up to M5 in Elazığ-Palu in the north of the EAC and in Bingöl show that the Palu-Bingöl area is getting tense with our attention turned to Hatay. *Both M6.4 and M5.8 earthquakes in Hatay occurred on the Dead Sea rupture. Eastern Anatolia and the Dead Sea fractures were enraged. Everyone should sleep in container houses, in their carriages, in tents. Such aftershocks will unfortunately continue to occur. *The situation in Hatay is not tolerable. Please do not leave your city. Take shelter in safe shelters." Earth scientist Prof. Dr. Speaking to a journalist, Naci Görür said: "After the Kahramanmaraş earthquake that we have been warning about for days, the Hatay part of the expected earthquake in Hatay and Adana took place this evening. There is a risk of earthquakes of similar magnitude in Adana and Cyprus."