Capital and government partnership in Newala Qesaba 2023-01-15 11:05:15   SİİRT - HDP Deputy Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who protested against the construction of luxury villas in Newala Qesaba, where mass graves are located, said that houses were built on bones with a capital-government partnership.   Nearly 100 luxury villas are being built by the company WAR Structure in Newala Qesaba (Butchers Creek) in Siirt, where those who lost their lives in the attacks against Kurds and Armenians are buried. It is stated that most of the villas were bought by the police, soldiers and AKP members. No one is allowed in the area except those who want to buy a villa. The Municipality of Siirt, under the management of the trustee, is building a road to the area where the villas are built. After the completion of the construction of the villas, a new shopping mall is planned to be built in the region.   GERGERLİOĞLU: THIS IS CRUELTY   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Kocaeli Deputy Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who came to the region on April 13, 2022 to stop the construction but was blocked by the police, said that the construction was done with a capital-government partnership. Gergerlioğlu said, "In the public's conscience, this is a dirty place. It is known that there are bones, dark deeds and bad memories.They are trying to cover it up by building luxury villas here."   Stating that it is "cruel" to live in a building built on a cemetery, Gergerlioğlu said, "It is not something that the conscience can accept. How will the people living there survive? Because this is a structure built on cemeteries. There are very dark stories here. The conscience of the society does not accept this either. They will definitely be disturbed by that conscience. We appeal to the conscience of those who are considering living here."   WE MUST STAND WITH THE FAMILIES   Stating that the Human Rights Association (İHD) and families should fight against construction in a coordinated manner, Gergerlioğlu reminded the attacks on the dead bodies of the Kurds during the AKP-MHP rule. Gergerlioğlu said: "The tragedy of Kilyos Cemetery is still there. The tragedy of the families continues. People are struggling to claim the bones of their loved ones. It is a great shame in terms of humanity. Families are subjected to suffering during the burial of the bodies of those who lost their lives in prison or abroad. The disrespect is at the highest level. They are in pain. Families are treated cruelly. These things are not acceptable. Despite this, we will step up our struggle even more. Let's all share the pain of families and stand by them."