'It's unscrupulous constructing buildings on people's bones' 2023-01-10 10:47:42   SİİRT - Family of Emin Sarik who lost his life in a clash and buried in Newala Qesaba with his friends, said it is unscrupulous constructing buildings on people's bones.   The reactions against the constructing of luxury buildings in Newala Qeseba where people who lost their lives in the massacres against Kurdish and Armenians are buried are increasing.   It is known in the records kept by the gendarmerie that 82 people, including the body of Mahsum Korkmaz (Egît), one of the leading commanders of the PKK, were buried in Newala Qesaba. However, this number does not include those buried here after being killed under police custody. One of those buried here is Emin Sarik, another one of the leading commanders of the PKK. Sarik, who was born in the village of Kinaskê in the Misirc district of Siirt in 1960, settled in Batman with his family in 1963. Sarik joined the PKK after the 1980 military coup. Sarik, who had been involved in various activities in the PKK for many years, lost his life with 3 of his friends as a result of a conflict with the soldiers in 1985. His body, which was buried in Newala Qesaba in front of his mother Merese Sarik, was not released to the family despite all their efforts. Mother Sarik passed away 4 years ago while fighting for years to retrieve her son's bones. Sarik's brother, Hüseyin Sarik, reacted to the construction of luxury villas in a place where human bones were found.    MOTHER LOST HER LIFE   Reminding that the soldiers from the Pervari District Gendarmerie Battalion at that time called his brother to identify his body, Sarik said, “My father went to identify the body, but he could not identify it. Then my mom went and she could. They asked for the bodies to be released to them, but they refused. It was hard to identify them because they were killed 20 days ago. My mother says the soldiers took her to Newala Qeseba, the three bodies were lying out in the open in a military vehicle. They dug up a hole there and buried the three of them as my mother told us. My mother insisted the body to be released to our family, but they refused. She applied millions of times after that, but she passed away before her son was released to her. All she wanted was the bones of her son.    ONLY ONE PHOTO   Stating that everyone in Siirt knows that people are buried under that construction site, Sarik said: "I was 11 when I went to identify the body of my brother. They showed us a black book and there was one photo of him in there. The commander of the gendermerie station insulted us and  my grandfather punched him in the face. Then while they were beating us, my mother ripped that photo from the black book. This is the only photo we have of my brother. Everyone in Siirt knows that a dog was wandering around with a human bone in his mouth and someone recovered it and buried it back here. Even though these are knows, they are building luxury villas here over those bones. This is not moral. Everyone involved in this will be held to account one day. Let's fight against the brutality of capitalism. I am calling on the people of Siirt. Walk a mile in the shoes of the people whose sons and daughters are buried here.."