No response to application regarding bones in Zilan stream 2023-01-09 14:34:01   VAN - No response has been given to the lawyers' application to the prosecutor's office for the bones found in Zilan Stream to be collected and examined.   Upon the lowering of the water level in Koçköprü Dam, which was built on the Zilan Stream in Geliyê Zîlan (Zilan Valley), located in Erciş district of Van and where thousands of Kurds were massacred en masse on July 13, 1930, a large number of people were killed on December 12, 2022. The human bone was revealed.   Under the leadership of the Van Bar Association Human Rights Center, the Human Rights Association (İHD), the Lawyers' Association for Freedom (ÖHD) Van Branches, the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) Van Representative and the Van Historical Artifacts Protection Research and Development Association (Çev-Der) were held on December 22 went to the area and inspected it. As a result of the examination and findings, the lawyers applied to the Erciş Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for the collection and examination of the bones washed up on the shore.   19 DAYS HAVE PASSED BUT NO PROGRESS   It has been noted that although 19 days have passed since the lawyers applied for the protection and examination of the bones, no investigation was initiated on the bones and the bones are still where they were found.