Preparations of attack at Southeast Turkish border 2023-01-08 09:25:17   MARDİN - While the Turkish military positions on the border of Northern and Eastern Syria were strengthened, preparations for the relocation of a police station began. New watchtowers are being built behind the minefields.   New military practices began to be implemented in Nusaybin, Artuklu and Kızıltepe, the border districts of Mardin, located on the border of Northern and Eastern Syria. Military positions around the border gate, which has been closed for years in Nusaybin district, began to be re-established. In Kızıltepe district, preparations are underway for the relocation of the police station right next to the border crossing, which has been closed for a long time. It was decided that the outpost targeted by SDF forces in the face of the attacks of Turkey on Northern and Eastern Syrian cities should be moved away from the border and moved to the back of the neighborhood.   PEOPLE ARE CONCERNED THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL BE USED AS A SHIELD   While the construction works for the relocation of the police station continue, the residents of the neighborhood are uncomfortable with the military station being moved to the back of the village. The residents of the neighborhood, who are worried that their neighborhood will be used as a shield in case of a possible attack, stated that they are worried about being caught between in crossfire after the police station is moved to the back of the neighborhood.   TOWERS ARE BEING MOVED FURTHER BACK FROM THE BORDER   The relocation of military towers has begun in the border rural neighborhoods of each of the 3 districts. While the towers established in previous years were left in place, new towers began to be built behind the mined areas. The new towers, which are being built behind the minefields, are built of heavy stones, while cameras are placed on top of each one.   NEW CHECK POINTS ESTABLISHED   In border districts, citizens were also required to leave their identity cards at military checkpoints or police stations. Citizens and outsiders who want to go to their lands will leave their identity cards at the military point before going to their lands. Citizens can only get their identity cards back, when they return. Those who go to their lands on foot and return by car due to the said practice experience great difficulties. Since the citizens are not able to go to their lands easily, they sometimes have arguments with the soldiers. Soldiers defend the application on the grounds of "preventing uncontrolled border crossings".   CITIZENS: PUT AN END TO THESE IMPOSITIONS   Citizens, who stated that the impositions makes their lives harder, expressed their concern that if it continued, they will have to stop cultivating their lands and emigration would begin. Noting that they do not want to have to pass through military points on their way to and from their lands, the citizens demanded that the impositions be stopped.