Lawyers not allowed in court for Deniz Poyraz hearing 2022-10-14 12:05:34   İZMİR - Certified attorneys and members of the press, who come to Şakran Prison Campus for the hearing of the case against Onur Gencer, who murdered Deniz Poyraz in İzmir, are not allowed into the courtroom with the decision of the court committee.   Before the 6th hearing of the trial against Onur Gencer, who murdered Deniz Poyraz by carrying out an armed attack on the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir provincial building, a press statement was made in front of the Aliağa Şakran Prison Campus. In the press release where the banner of "We will hold the murderers accountable, Fascism will be defeated, we will win" was unfurled and the slogans of "Deniz Poyraz is our rebellion" was shouted. Deniz Poyraz's family, HDP MPs Murat Çepni, Serpil Kemalbay, Şevin Coşkun, Ali Kenanoğlu and many citizens attended the statement.   Speaking in a statement, HDP İzmir MP Murat Çepni said:"The case was moved to Aliağa upon Onur Gencer's request. We will continue to raise the struggle for justice and hold the murderer accountable no matter where the case moves. We should remember the incident a little bit. The murderer wrote on his social media that he was planning a massacre for the HDP for months. He was taken to Syria by the state organisation, he was trained by SADAT. He called the Izmir Police once to get a gun license. He spent time in luxury hotels before the massacre. He openly shared what he was going to do during the whole process, but the state did not notice the murderer. The murderer's bag, which was with him when he entered the building, is not on the record and its contents are unknown. The murderer was detained for only 18 hours. When a worker sought his rights while he was detained for days when he was taken into custody, such a murderer was arrested in 18 hours. A single question was not asked about the murder. Despite the concrete evidence, it was tried to be obscured."   'THE CHAIRPERSON WAS APPOINTED BY AKP-MHP FASCISM'   Stating that the president of the court, who moved the case to Şakran, even prevented the attorneys from sitting in his own place, Çepni said: “Deniz Poyraz's brother was attacked. The chairperson was appointed by AKP-MHP fascism. This massacre is organised crime and was organised within the state. This massacre is no ordinary massacre. It is one of the indicators of the most fundamental problems that the country is getting through. All forces of freedom must be present in more ownership of every hearing. Deniz Poyraz is our honor. When we say we will hold accountable for the massacre, we say we will hold accountable for all massacres.”   LAWYERS WERE NOT ALLOWED IN COURT   After the statement, attorneys and the audience went to the hearing. Attorneys who have a certificate of authorization by the decision of the court board are not allowed into the courtroom. The delegation prepared a list of those who will attend the hearing and decided to take only those who participated in the file and attorneys with warrant of attorney. Although there is no closed trial decision in the file, the negotiations of the lawyers continue for this decision.