Onur Gencer, the murderer of Deniz Poyraz, avoided the questions 2022-07-18 18:11:44   İZMİR - While Onur Gencer, the murderer of Deniz Poyraz, avoided all the questions adressed to him at the trial, he did not give any information about the soldier İbrahim Akıl, who seems to be linked to the murder. The 4th hearing of the case against Onur Gencer, who carried out an armed attack on the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Provincial Building and murdered Deniz Poyraz there, continues at the İzmir 6th High Criminal Court. After the break, the hearing continued with objections that the attorneys' right to ask questions should not be taken away. Accepting the demands upon objections, the presiding judge decided that the attorneys can ask questions. THE MURDERER LEAVES QUESTIONS UNANSWERED The cross-examination of the murderer Gencer continued. The attorneys said: “Have you met the armed militias backed by Turkey?” Gencer answered "yes" to the question, but he did not say the names of the militias. İzmir Bar Association President Özkan Yücel then asked: "Have you had any friends who returned from Syria with you?" however the murderer Gencer did not answer the question.  Attorneys asked "How much of your opinion did you share with Osman Tanriverdi about the HDP and the Kurds" and "Do you know Gamze Açar?", he refused to answer these questions on the grounds of "life safety". Yücel asked: “Did you contact the people you were in contact with in Syria during your  visits to other cities?”. Gencer replied, "You can go on find an answers this question." THE PRESIDING JUDGE REJECTED THE OBJECTIONS Attorneys objected to the murderer Gencer, who did not give clear answers to Yücel's questions. The presiding judge rejected the objections. GENCER: I DIDN'T DELETE THE POSTS When Yücel asked, “When did the police confiscate your phone when you were detained after the attack?” and “Some images were deleted from your social media accounts on the day of the event, who deleted the posts?”, the murderer Gencer said that he did not delete the posts himself. Yücel asked:"Do you have a relationship with the greywolves" Gencer answered: "I have a relationship with everyone except you and I define myself as an anarchist". 'I KNOW SOME PEOPLE FROM MHP BUT I WON'T SAY WHO' The presiding judge objected the question of attorneys when they asked, "Do you have any acquaintances at the MHP Headquarters?". Yücel said: “There are allegations that this attack order came directly from the MHP Headquarters. We are also investigating this.” Afterwards, Yücel showed Gencer a meeting photo and asked who the people in the photo were. Gencer replied: "I know them, but I won't tell who they are". HAVE YOU MEET THE SADAT MILITANS? Yücel said: “It is understood that you are trying to get approval for the incident in your Whatsapp conversations. Why did you feel the need to do this? The murderer Gencer did not answer the question. Yücel asked: "Have you met any of the SADAT militants in Syria?" Gencer replied “maybe” to the question. Yucel asked the murderer Gencer why he hesitated when he heard the name of Abdullatif Koçak. There were condemnations from the hall because Gencer said: "You are the one who hurts, so find the answer yourself." Reminding that the murderer Gencer, who often says nationalist things, did not serve in the military, Yücel asked: "Did you not do your military service because you belong to another military unit?" Gencer replied “maybe yes, maybe no”. The murderer Gencer, who did not answer the question, "There has been a clear improvement in your living standards after returning from Syria, what is the source?", said that he received some financial support from his circle. GENCER TOOK THE BULLETS FROM THE RANGE Then, the following dialogues took place between one of the attorneys of the case, Türkan Aslan Ağaç, and the murderer Gencer: Ağaç: Who sent you to Izmir shooting range? Gencer: Someone recommended it. Ağaç: In which conversation did he make such a suggestion? Gencer: While we were talking about guns. Ağaç: Do you know this person? Gencer: No Ağaç: Did you use all 15 bullets you received from the range on June 14? What did you do with the ones you didn't use? Gencer: You know the answer. I begored your building" HE DID NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS The murderer Gencer didn't answer the following questions: “How often do you go to the shooting range?”, “Was there a record book at the shooting range?”, “Did you fill the record book or an officer did?”, “What are the names of the people  trained you at the shooting range?”, “Did Umut Işık share with you his professional knowledge?”, “Did Alican give you private weapons lessons in Manisa Urganlı?”, “Was Oytun Yüksel with you during these trainings?”, “Why did you ask Ibrahim Akıl questions about weapons?” Not getting any answers, Ağaç said, "You not answering the questions reveals that you are a member of an organisation." HE WAS ASKED ABOUT HIS CONVERSATION WITH THE SOLDIER The following conversation passed when Gencer was asked about İbrahim Akıl, who later became a soldier: Ağaç: Where would you put Ibrahim Akıl politically? Gencer: To the top. Ağaç: It is understood from your conversations that you planned the murder with İbrahim Akıl. When did you plan this? Gencer: He has nothing to do with it. Ağaç: İbrahim Akıl says that you stayed in Syria for 3 months. Did you? Gencer: No Ağaç: Do you know when İbrahim Akıl went to Syria? Gencer: I don't know if he's gone or not. Ağaç: In the correspondence, İbrahim Akıl sends you a Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sticker and you said he is bigot, he should be killed, too, and he should kill Erdoğan,  You'll take care of him in prison. Can you explain this? Gencer: It was just a joke Ağaç: Don't you know that assassinating the president of this country is a crime? Why didn't the police ask you this even though they saw this correspondence? Gencer: Ask it to the police Ağaç: Did your correspondence with İbrahim Akıl stop when you were detained? It is understood that the conversations are not coherent. Could someone other than you have deleted these correspondences? Gencer: I don't know. After Ağaç's questions, the court adjourned the hearing until 14.00. THREAT MESSAGE TO HDP MPS A DAY BEFORE Before today's attack attempt, yesterday, on Sunday, June 17, 2022, a person named Akın Akgöz sent clear threatening messages to HDP MPs, and said "You go gather in front of the İzmir Courthouse, we will send one of our brothers as a suicide bomber...". HDP warned the relevant authorities about this person and his threats yesterday morning. This attack attempt has once again confirmed HDP claims that HDP has made since day one.