Lawyer batters MA reporter Demir following a story 2022-07-07 15:29:42   DİYARBAKIR – Reporter Yakup Demir, who was attacked by attorney Fevziye Karaer while he was reporting on the tension that broke out during the enforcement actions in Sur, was hit in his head. The attorney told Demir that he injured his head on purpose.   While reporter Yakup Demir was reporting the tension between the shopkeepers and the police during the enforcement actions in Diyarbakır's Sur district, he was attacked by Fevziye Karaer, an attorney registered with the Antep Bar Association. Reporter Yakup was injured as a result of Karaer's attack.   YAKUP FILED A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AGAINST ATTORNEY   While the attack was stopped by the citizens, Demir went to Diyarbakır Selahattin Eyyubi State Hospital and received an assault report. Yakup later went to the Sur District Police Chief, Çarşı Police Headquarters to file a criminal complaint against the attaker Karaer.   'YAKUP INJURED HIS HEAD ON PURPOSE'   Yakup was exposed to the verbal attacks of attorney Karaer again at the police station while filing a criminal complaint. The attacker said: "How dare you photograph us" and said that he injured himself on purpose.   ATTORNEY KARAER TRIED TO RECONCILE WITH YAKUP   Yakup, who was kept waiting at the police station, stated that attorney Karaer had brought other attorneys to reconcile with him, but Demir said he would not accept reconciliation and would file a complaint against the attorney.