Body of HPG member delivered to family in a plastic container 2022-06-15 11:25:23   DİYARBAKIR - The body of HPG member Zindan Yeni, who was reported to have died in the clashes in Pirejman, was delivered to his family in a plastic container. The mother, Menice Yeni, said that her child's cause of death was concealed and the examination report was not given to them.   The body of Zindan Yeni, who lost his life in the clashes that broke out in September 2021 in the Pirejman Neighborhood, the rural area of ​​Diyarbakır's Dicle District, was delivered to his father Hasan Yeni in a plastic container 8 months and nine days later. As a result of the insistent attempts of the family, the death certificate was not delivered to the family. The body of Agit İpek, who died in 2017 in Dersim, was put in a box and sent to her mother, Halise Aksoy, by cargo 2 years after his death.   Menice Yeni, who drew attention to the difficulties they went through, said, “So you killed my son with chemical weapons and gave them in pieces after months so that these traces would disappear. Maybe my son was alive and you dismembered my son's body."   MOTHER APPLIED TO PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OVER AND OVER AGAIN   Explaining that she learned about the death of her son from the soldiers who called them on November 9 last year, mother Yeni stated that she applied to the Dicle Chief Public Prosecutor's Office to recieve the body of her son, and the prosecutor's office directed them to the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. Yeni said: "They didn't take blood samples from us to ID the body. We were told that the cause of death was not determined and that they would transfer the body of my son to the Forensic Medicine Institude (ATK) and then after they identified who the body belonged to, they would release him to us. We applied many times during this process. No positive response was given. Finallu we asked for help at the Diyarbakır Branch of the Human Rights Association (İHD). However, the prosecutor's office also gave a negative response to the request of the İHD.   'MY SON WAS KILLED WITH CHEMICAL WEAPONS'    Yeni stated that they received information that her son's body was sent to Istanbul ATK for autopsy, and that her husband Hasan Yeni went to Istanbul after him and said: "It was said that my son's body was in Istanbul, but that no information would be given to him. So I went to the Dicle Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. I was told there was still no results for the DNA test. I reacted to the prosecutor and said, 'My son was not killed with a stones and sticks. He was killed with chemicals. The Prosecutor's Office said that there was no need for me to go to them anymore and that they would call me if any results came out. However, days passed and there was no news. Then I called the prosecutor's office on the phone and there still were no news. I kept on calling him. He got mad that I kept bothering him and threatened to file a complaint against me. I told them I would bother them until I recieve the body of my son."   'THEY BROUGHT THE BODY OF MY SON IN A PLASTIC CONTAINER'   Stating that they were informed about the death of their son 7 months after her son died and they were summoned to Diyarbakır ATK to claim the body, Yeni said: "Even though only 3 people were with me, 20 police vehicles, 2 armoured vehicles and 3 buses the police uses to take the deteainees to the police sttaion followed us the whole way. The village head of our village was also kept calling my husband and told him not to take the body to the village. They gave the body of my son to my husband in a plastic container. I shouted the slogan 'Şehit Namirin' (Martyrs never die) and the police officers jumped on me to close my mouth and silence me. "   'WE BURIED MY SON UNDER POLICE BLOCKADE'   Stating that the minute they entered the village the gendermerie blockaded the village and didn't let anyone in the cemetery, Yeni said: "The gendermerie opened fire into the air when the body of my son was brought to the village cemetery. Then they said it was an accident. They blockaded the cemetery and didn't allow the villagers to enter the cemetery."   'THEY CALLED US OVER AND OVER AGAIN TO JOIN THE SIT-IN PROTEST IN FRONT OF HDP'   Stating that the police called them over and over again trying to persuade them to join the sit-in protest in front of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) building to demand their son from the HDP, Yeni said: "We made a promise to our children. We will stand by them to the final drop of our blood and support their struggle."     MA / Mehmet Güleş