‘The border line is fenced with razor wire, trenches are being dug 2022-05-11 15:44:57   HAKKARI - The attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region made life difficult in the villages on the border line. Soldiers digging trenches on the border line, while fencing the border with razor wires.   The attack launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) on the Zap, Avaşîn and Metîne regions in the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 17 in partnership with the KDP continues with fierce clashes. It is reflected in the public opinion that many soldiers lost their lives in the region, where intense clashes have taken place since the first day. While paramilitary forces trained and equipped by Turkey and forces called "Roj Peshmerga" are being deployed to the conflict zones, rangers are being reinforced.   RANGERS WILL BE AT THE FRONT FOR 3 MONTHS   It has been learned that the rangers in Hakkari's Derecik district were also deployed to the conflict zone 20 days ago on rotation, and it was learned that the rangers will now be positioned in the conflict zone for 3 months.   HIGHLANDS ARE NOT ALLOWED   After the clashes, the villagers on the border line are experiencing great difficulties. It was stated that the soldiers do not allow the villagers to take the animals to the highlands, and that the border trade that the people of the district had done in a very limited way before, could not be done in any way with the ongoing operation.   VILLAGERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO OUT OF THE VILLAGE   It has been learned that in the villages in the Nawberojya (Yeşilova) district, which is at the zero point of the border of the district, trenches have been dug along the border line and fenced with razor wire by the soldiers in order to prevent both animals and people from crossing the border since Ramadan. While there are many military bases in the region, it was stated that the villagers living in the region are being watched by surveillence cameras 24 hours a day. Those living in their villages on the border line cannot even leave the village as a result of the bans.   VILLAGERS HAD TO SELL THEIR ANIMALS   As a result of military obstructions on the border line, serious restrictions were imposed on livestock, which is one of the livelihoods of the villagers. It was reported that the soldiers did not allow the villagers to take their animals to the pasture areas, and as a result, the villagers had to take their animals out of the area and sell them.   DEAD AND WOUNDED ARE TAKING TO HAKKARI     With the approaching spring, it was reported that the villagers who wanted to collect the plants growing in the mountains were also prevented by the soldiers. While there was no military activity on the other side of the border during the day, it was stated that guns and bombs were heard at night. It was stated that dead and injured soldiers were taken to Hakkari by helicopter during the clashes in the region. It was reported that with the beginning of the attack, military shipments were made from Hakkari to Derecik, and these shipments have been intensified recently.