8 Turkish soldiers lost their lives in Marînus, one soldier is missing 2022-05-09 14:00:49   HAKKARI - It has been learned that 8 Turkish soldiers lost their lives in the clashes that have been going on since April 27 in the vicinity of Marînus village of Hakkari, and a soldier who fell into a stream during the conflict went missing.   It has been learned that 8 soldiers lost their lives in the clashes that have been going on since April 27, around the village of Marînus in Hakkari, and one soldier who fell into a stream during the conflict went missing. It was stated that the missing soldier was not found so far.   AFAD AND UMKE CONTINUE THE SEARCH FOR MISSING SOLDIER   According to the information received, it was stated that the soldiers who lost their lives were sent to their hometowns after being brought to Yüksekova State Hospital. It was stated that the body of the soldier who fell into the stream following the clashes could not be found despite all efforts for the last 14 days. It is noteworthy that no official statement has been made so far regarding the clashes in the village of Marînus and the missing soldier.