People crying out for justice from 3 different points in Diyarbakır: Our struggle will continue 2022-04-15 17:33:42 DİYARBAKIR - The relatives of the prisoners, who have been carrying out the Justice Watch for 151 days at 3 different points in the city, stated that they will fight until the end. The Justice Watch, which was initiated in Diyarbakır for the ill prisoners and the prisoners who have not been released despite serving their time in prison, continues on its 151st day. The first of the families' sit-in started in the Diyarbakır Bar Association Additional Service Building. The families, who reiterated their demands for justice at every opportunity, received support from non-governmental organizations, professional organizations, trade unions, culture and art institutions, political parties and legal organizations. Families went to Ankara on the 50th day of their sit-in, attended the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Group meeting at the parliament and shouted their demands for justice. In addition to the HDP, they came together with many parties and non-governmental organizations. Families who wanted to march to the Ministry of Justice were subjected to police violence. CALLING FOR JUSTICE IN 3 DIFFERENT PLACES Families who want to be a voice for the prisoners, where a violation of rights continue to add up, repeat their demands for justice by going to in front of Diyarbakır Type T Closed Prison, Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) and Diyarbakır Courthouse 3 days a week. IT SHOULD HAVE STARTED 10 YEARS AGO Reşahat Ada, the older sister of Hamdusena Ada, who is being held in Diyarbakır Type T Prison No. 2, said, “We will not abandon our children's cause until we succeed. We will follow the path of their struggle." Ada said that the sit- in should have started 10 years ago.