Investigation against Kurdish NGO represantative for sending money to his childhood friend in prison 2022-03-26 12:25:16   DENİZLİ -  Denizli Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation against Muhammed Salih Demir and three other people, who sent money to his childhood friend.   Denizli Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation against 4 people, including Muhlis Kayar, Denizli representative of the Association for Assistance with the Families of Arrested and Convicted Families (TUHAYDER) for sending money to their relatives and friends in prison. Questions were asked about why they sent money to prison and the functioning of the prison.   HE WAS ASKED IF HE KNEW HIS OWN MOTHER   One of the people who were summoned for a deposition, Salih Demir told that he sent money to his childhood friend and Engin Yurtsuz said he sent money to his cell mate in the prison where he was released a short while ago.   Muhammet Salih Demir was asked if he knew his own mother and if he is a member of a terrorist organisation.