Çomanî: Barzani is the Erdoğan of Bashur, people are running away from him 2021-11-16 12:54:47   NEWS CENTER - Journalist Kemal Çomanî, who closely follows the situation of the Kurds stranded at the Belarus-Poland border, drew attention to anti-democratic practices and said: "There is Barzani in Bashur, just as there is Erdogan in Turkey."   Refugees stranded at the Poland- Belarus border are facing pressure on top of the cold weather and hunger. Most of the refugees stranded between two countries are Kurdish people fleeing from Federated Kurdistan Region. So far, at least 10 refugees have died from hunger and cold. Refugees, who are determined not to return, expect this inhumane treatment to end as soon as possible and for any country to accept them. Refugees waiting at the border say they would rather die than to go back to the countries they came from. Journalist Kemal Çomanî, who closely follows the situation of the Kurds who are struggling to survive on the border, drew attention to the oppression and the injustice of the Barzani family on the people.   'THEY ARE FLEEING FROM THE REGIME OF THIEVES IN THEIR COUNTRY'   Reminding that thousands of refugeess stranded at the borders fled the injustice and lawlessness they face in their country, Çomanî said that the majority of the refugees were from the Federated Kurdistan Region. Expressing that the Federated Kurdistan Region is under the Kleptocracy (The Thieves Regime) of the Barzani and Talabani family, Çomanî said, “There is a great injustice in the Kurdistan Region. There is a Clientalist system in Bashur."   TURKEY'S INVOLVEMENT IN THE MIGRATION   Noting that the people in the region live in deep poverty, Çomanî said that even government officials have not been paid their full wages since 2014. Emphasizing that they have cuts in salaries every month, Çomanî said that these cuts sometimes reach 50%. Noting that the political pressures increased with the economic crisis, Çomanî said, “Especially the citizens living in the Behdinan region have a life safety problem. People are negatively affected by Turkey's attacks on Kurdistan. There is an ongoing war in the region. And they are afraid of Turkish invasion."    'ONCE THERE WAS SADDAM, NOW THERE ARE DOZENS OF HIM'   Adding that the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) are building an antidemocratic system in the Federated Kurdistan Region, Çomanî said that the existing system serves the interests of certain groups. Stating that the citizens who are currently waiting on the Belarus-Poland border had to leave their homes for these reasons, Çomani said, "There was one Saddam in the past, now there are dozens of Saddams. The people have no hope for the future. This is why they leave their home countries. Tp prevent their children from living the same lives as they did."    THEY ARE NOT SEEN AS REFUGEES   Criticizing the silence of the European Union (EU) countries, Çomani said, “Europe does not see these citizens as refugees. Eupre believes these people here did not come here because of the war. It claims that Belarus uses them. This is their justification for the rejection of these people in their borders. But Europe is responsible for this crisis first hand. If their countries did not allow KDP and PUK act they way they did, these people would not be at their borders. Europe needs to take responsibility."   'ERDOĞAN IN TURKEY, BARZANİ IN BASHUR'   Stating that just like there is an Erdoğan in Turkey, there is Mesut and Mesrur Barzani in Bashur, Çomanî said: "The people here says they would rather die here at the border instead of going back to Barzani regime. They want to go live in a country where they can be ree, because they are not free in Kurdistan. They want to build a new life in Europe."   MA / Ömer Akın