Demirtaş's mother: My son is not a terrorist 2020-12-29 11:26:04 NEWS CENTER - Criticizing the fact that Demirtaş wasn't released despite ECtHR decision, Sadiye Demirtal said: "Now they are repeatedly saying that Selahattin is a terrorist. My children are not terrorists." Sadiye Demirtaş also asked how could Turkey be accepted in the European Union while 'not caring about' the ECtHR decision.   Sadiye Demirtaş, mother of HDP former Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş whom the European Court of Human Rights made a decision of violation about his imprisonment, answered the questions of Erdal Er.   AKP Chair and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said 'We can never let a terrorist like this to walk away' after the decision of the ECtHR. While Erdoğan criticized the opposition regarding the ECtHR Grand Chamber decision, said that 'If they had authority, they would have let this terrorist out of the prison'.   Mother Demirtaş protested Erdoğan's words.   MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE IN PRISON   Demirtaş said, "I always told my children not to pick fruits from the gardens of the people, don't ever take what is not yours. Now they took my child hostage, they put him behind bars and call him a terrorist. How can my child be a terrorist? If he was a terrorist how could he run for president? How was he a member of the parliament? They took him right out of his bed while he was fighting for the rights of the people. It's not just him that is behind bars. Millions of people are behind bars in his person. Everyone knows that I stand with him. Everyone knows that his people are standing with him. I don't understand why they are afraid of him this much."   'HOW WILL EUROPE RECOGNIZE TURKEY?'   Commenting on the words of Erdoğan saying he doesn't recognize the decision of the ECtHR, Demirtaş said: "Then how will Turkey be a member of the European Union? How will Europe recognize Turkey, if Turkey doesn't recognize Europe?"   'MY BLOOD PRESSURE GOES UP WHEN I WATCH THE FAKE NEWS'   Stating that she doesn't watch TV, Demirtaş said: "My blood pressure goes up when I watch the fake news. It upsets me." Telling that she hasn't seen his son in two years because she is too sick to travel to Edirne, Demirtaş said, "Do you think what I go through is easy?"