November 25 message from arrested women politicians 2020-11-25 13:35:26 ANKARA- Women politicians, who have been imprisoned in Kandıra Prison, emphasized the fight against violence in the messages they sent on November 25.   Women politicians detained in Kocaeli Kandıra F-Type High Security Prison sent a message on the occasion of November 25 International Day of Struggle Against Violence to Women. The messages of the imprisoned politicians shared by the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Women's Press Office are as follows:   YÜKSEKDAĞ: WOMEN WILL PIONEER THE CHANGE   HDP former Co-Chair Figen Yüksekdağ: Hello with hope, resistance and solidarity. The order of violence, death and cruelty imposed on us; I greet women who join hands to transform it into  women, life and freedom. The women's resistance that liberates the streets will open new paths for us on this 25 November. We discover new forms of solidarity and struggle against all forms of violence. The awakening consciousness and liberating movement of women inside, outside, in the school, in the factory, on the street, in the field write a new history. We win together.  With  most sincere love.   TUNCEL: WE  WALK AGAINST FASCISM   Former Co-Chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Sebahat Tuncel: Another 25 November, we women  grow solidarity. We reject the male-dominated capitalist order imposed on us, we organize for our future. We advocate a healthy life in equal, free, democratic peace and nature. We call it true justice versus male state justice. We call it 'Em xwediparêzen' against all kinds of discrimination, harassment, rape, massacres, occupation and isolation against women.   KIŞANAK: VIOLENCE-FREE TOMORROWS   Gültan Kışanak, former co-chair of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality: We women have struggled against male-dominated oppression and violence in all areas of life, both inside and outside. Greetings to all women, with the hope of growing women's solidarity and struggle.   ŞAHİN: WALLS ARE TO OVERCOME   Former Co-Mayor of Dersim Municipality Edibe Şahin: From the moment we were born as women, the male-dominated system was not enough to draw borders for us, it started building walls. The power to stop all kinds of violence  is through our organized stance. I embrace you with faith and hope.   DEMIREL: PRESENT GOVERNMENT HAS FEAR OF WOMEN   Former HDP MP Çağlar Demirel: Even though we are held here as political hostages, our struggle and resistance for women continues and is supposed to continue. It is women who overcome all difficulties. We are hopeful, courageous and we definitely win in this regard. I send my greetings, love and respect to all women.   YILDIRIM :  FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION   Former HDP Deputy Gülser Yıldırım: Violence to  women is against everyone and everything beautiful. Opposing violence to women; It means opposing all the ugliness of life. In particular, we should see violence against women as violence against the whole society. I wish a world in which women,no one in the world is subjected to violence. With love…   TUĞLUK: WE STOP THE ATTACKS   Former HDP MP Aysel Tuğluk: One of the reasons why we are captive in the dungeons is that we stand against violence to women. I believe that with the solidarity of women, we can stop all kinds of attacks against us. We also continue our struggle behind the bars.