Journalist exposing the villagers thrown from helicopter detained 2020-10-06 11:39:10   VAN - Mesopotamia Agency repoters who were detained during a raid on the bureau exposed that Servet Turgut and Osman Şiban was thrown from a helicopter and obtained documents shedding a light on the torture of the two men, while bringing the incident to the public agenda.   Houses of 4 journalists from Mesopotamia Agency (MA) and Jinnews were raided by the police early this morning. Their equipment were confiscated and MA reporters Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur and Jinnews reporters Şehriban Abi and Nazan Sala were detained.    THE FACT THAT THE TWO MEN WERE THROWN FROM THE HELİCOPTER WAS PROVEN WITH DOCUMENTS   The staff of our bureau proved that the two men, Servet Turgut and Osman Şiban was thrown out of a helicopter who were detained by the soldiers who were on an operation in the rural areas of the Çatak district of Van on September 11 with documents and brought the incident to the public agenda.   The staff of our bureau first broke the story on September 13 with the news titled "They turned up at the hospital two days after their detention' and exposed that the two men were tortured under custody.   REPORTS OF TORTURE   On September 16-17, reports of torture and assault of Osman Şiban and Servet Turgut were obtained.   The fact that the two men were tortured and thrown out of a helicopter was brought to the agenda with the news titled, "Torture Şiban was subjected to, reflected to the medical report' and "Medical report of the men who were thrown out of a helicopter: He fell from a great height'.   THE FACT THAT THE TWO MEN WERE THROWN FROM A HELICOPTER WAS CONFIRMED   Our staff have brought the subject on the agenda with a photo of Osman Şiban taken in the hospital with his bloody eyes, with the news titled, "The torture Şiban was subjected to have been photographed'.   The fact that Şiban and Turgut were thrown from a helicopter was confirmed with medical reports on September 20. The report we published with the news titled 'Confirmed with medical report: They were thrown from a helicopter' included the medical report, stating that both men fell from a great height.   In the epicrisis report of the Van Training and Research Hospital, it was revealed that Şiban was brought to the hospital with the complaint of "injury after falling from a helicopter". The epicrisis report also read: "It was stated that the patient was brought to the emergency department with the complaint that he was fell out of a helicopter and was injured as a result, which confirmed the claim that the two men were actually thrown out of a helicopter."   FIRST PHOTO OF TURGUT   The news titled 'First photo of Turgut obtained' published on September 23 contained the photo of Turgut lying in a bed in the intensive care unit (ICU), bruised and bloody, fighting for his life connected to a respirator. Turgut was treated at the ICU for 20 days and lost his life.   GOVERNOR'S OFFICE CLAIMED THEY FELL OF A CLIFF   Van Governorship denied that 2 people were thrown from a helicopter despite all these reports. The governor's office claimed that they did not obey the stop warning and fell of a cliff, fleeing from the soldiers.   But the eyewitness Cengiz Şiban told our agency on September 23 that they were both forced into the helicopter and they were perfectly fine at the time.    Following the statements of the eyewitnesses, our staff went to the are where the two men were detained and found out that there were no cliffs or any rocky area there, but only a hayloft.