Sarıcan Co-Mayors detained 2020-06-23 11:25:00   ELAZIĞ - HDP's Sarıcan Co-Mayors Bekir Polat and Canan Tağtekin are detained by the police.    The co-mayors of Sarıcan District Municipality located in Elazığ, Bekir Polat and Canan Tağtekin, and HDP manager Mehmet Sarı, were taken into custody during a raid conducted by the gendermerie on their homes. Sarıca City Hall was surrounded by the soldiers following the detentions of the co-mayors. While the search continues at the city hall, it was stated that a trustee will be appointed to the Sarıca Municipality.   The co-mayors are held under custody at the police station.   A confidentiality decision was taken about the investigation file of HDP's Sarıcan District Co-Mayors Bekir Polat and Canan Tağtekin.